Get to know
the Architect
Hi! Iām Scott. I write music. I love retro video games. I grew up playing the classics like the Nintendo Entertainment System, SEGA Genius, Gamyboy and many more...
I always had a Gameboy in my pocket. Naturally, these things influenced my writing style.
I started producing music when I was about 15 years old. Slowly but surely, I became obsessed with the prospect of being able to write exactly what I wanted to listen to. In 2014, I started writing 8bit songs. Eventually, some of those songs were put together and now make up my first album Press Start To Play.
I recently started branching out and exploring music genres. Vaporwave, Synthwave, Trap, Hip Hop, and more.
In summary, if you dig 8-bit music or synth heavy songs, you came to the right place.
Check out my music on your favorite music streaming service.
Thank you for your time and support. - Scott
Looking to collaborate? Send an email to thearchitect.scott@gmail.com